Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"The Martian" and other books to film...

I just saw the movie "The Martian" this weekend - wow that was good! It's like Apollo 13, but funnier. And it has Matt Damon. Enough said. Best of all, we have the DVD available at the library.
The Martian DVD 
That being said, I had no idea it was based on a book of the same name written by Andy Weir, which we also own.
Goodreads has created a massive list of lists of books THAT HAVE BEEN turned into movies and books that SHOULD BE turned into movies. My own perfect pair, where I feel both versions are brilliant, is "The Remains of the Day." The 1990 book was written by Kazuo Ishiguro and the 1993 film starred Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. (The library owns the book, but not the DVD.)

Which list does YOUR favorite book appear on?

Peace out, Butterscouts.
-Miss Sara

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